Tuesday, June 24, 2008

God speaking in the Chick-fil-A line

Ever been mad! I mean Really mad- and for no rime or reason. This was me a week or so ago and I wanted to post it last week but I've been stubborn. I didn't want Jesus to teach me a lesson and frankly I didn't think that I needed it. But I have not stopped thinking about it since it happened. What you are asking.

the weather has been nice these past few weeks and I've been wanting to swim with Adler- but every bathing suit that I own i haven't worn in forever. so Macy's was having a CRAZY sale and i decided i would use that time to go and get a suit. it was a great morning- except that i tried on about 1 MILLION swim suits and am not loving this task. IT sucked! and I'm there by myself trying to make a decision on which one i want to be seen in public in, none really, but i want to get in the water with Adler and i know i don't want to wear shorts and t-shirts all summer. so literally for 2 hours or so i tried on suits , changing sizes, colors, types, every single suit Macy's sold i tried on. No lie. Adler was being a champ for the 1st hour but started getting restless. and not to mention every time i went to get a new batch of suits to try on the "big" stall was taken up. uggggghhhh. so I chose the little ones, you know them if you are a mommy- nothing but you and your child fit them....so your stroller and gear get left in the hall. well on a big sale day like Macy's was having i wanst comfortable doing this so i brought it with me. mistake #1. mistake #2- not bringing someone with me to help me pick out the "one". So all in all i made a horrific day even more horrific. I eventually found one that I feel comfortable in and actually like very much, and the best part was it was a great price. So now, by this point Adler is extremely fussy and i know that i need to feed him- and on our days out together i feed him in the car. so i decided to leave and feed the little prince. once i finished feeding him i needed to go to babies 'r' us to exchange a few things. On my way there i realized that I was past starvation and decided that i would get Chick-fil-A . OK if you frequent that store you know that everyone in town goes there for lunch. this day was no exception. But by this point Adler is conked out in his car seat and i feel like i can wait. so i begin to find the line, because yes, it is wrapped around the whole building. this is no lie. I almost left, but with nothing better to i decided that i would wait. As i am making my way to the end of the line which at this point seriously is around the corner and there are about 10 cars in front of me, but the line is moving pretty good, so I'll wait. just as i am beging to be the last car in line this gold mini van ( i could list details- but i wont) with mom and kiddos cuts me off. OK i think to myself shes got kids - i let her go. OK so now there are 7 or so cars behind me. As we make our way around the first corner of the building there is a highlander trying to cut in front of anyone who will let them. Any body see the frustration building in this story? Now, Adler is waking up, and i am starving, and starting to get irritated that i decided i would wast 45 minutes of my life waiting for chicken and a fruit cup, this gold mini van lets this highlander in and I out of anger honk at the mini van. you know that kind of honk you give if you are trying to politely rude (if there is such a thing). now that ive honked i know she knows that i am not happy with her decision to let this highlander in. I also know that i am showing this on my face. As i keep waiting i stare at her like "you know that was rude lady, and i was waiting too". Yes, i know very un-Christ like. finally after staring at her and getting more and more irritate that i still have not ordered it is my turn to place my order. we continue to get closer to the pick up window when i think to my self "good, that rude lady is gone and its my turn" I begin to get my card out to pay and hand it to the cute lady with the bowl haircut, and she holds up her hand and says, "mam, the lady in front of you has paid for your meal because she thought you were having a bad day". I busted out crying and in the midst of my crying said thank you and drove off with my $8 dollar lunch that this woman paid for- she paid for my lunch even though i was being so hateful to her. I had thought of every reason under the son to tell her a piece of my mind, but to chicken to do so....and yet the Lord blessed me. It was so undeserving. I was humbled more than i have ever been humbled before. I had to pull over and cry to my father that i was sorry for being so angry and that i would never forget this lesson. what i think that i have learned from this is that in the midst of my complaing, arguing, bitterness, and nearly rage is that 1. I need to be setting an example to my child, that when things arnt fare, and it wasn't fare that she let someone cut in front of her with 7 or so cars behind me, i must not get as mad as i did and i need not treat her or anyone like i did. 2. the ugly thoughts that i thought were from the master of lies and i must not give him a foothold, 3. I learned that even if I am having a bad morning because swim suite shopping will do that to you there is no reason to take it out on others, 4. I learned that even when i get cut off from a better place in line, i must be Christ-like, who knows who was watching. I needed that reminder that the Lord showed himself to me in the midst of my anger. he blessed me even when i wasn't being a blessing, or even deserved one.

*if that was you in the gold mini van or the cute little highlander that got a great space in line, i apologize for being un-christ like - you can have my spot anyday.


Shelly C said...

Wow April, thanks for sharing this... it's a lesson I need to hear daily. And it's a good example to remember for those days when I see someone else having a rough day and how I can bless them. Thank you for being obedient in posting. s

christi said...

like you said, isn't it wounderful how God still chooses to bless us even when we don't deserve it. isn't His love for us amazing! thinking back now, i never seem to bless my children when they are misbehaving. my words dont allways bless their hearts as they should. ouch! thanks you for sharing your heart with all of us!

love you friend!

Karen Lambert said...

Thankyou so much for sharing this. You have blessed me by allowing God to use you to teach me a lesson. I will think of Chick-fil-A when I find myself in a similar situation. I love you!!!