Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wanting to share our lives

Friends and family, I have been wanting to start this blog thingy for some time now- but as you know our lives have been turned upside down- and boy do we love it! Gone are the days where it was just the two of us. Here are the days that are all about changing diapers, feeding, burping, smiling, and sleeping! Oh how we wouldnt change a thing. Adler Gray is the most amazing blessing in the world! WE both know that he is a blessing from the Lord. Adler is such a joy- a joy I have never known before!
Till next time- when Adler is sleeping. Love to all!


Audrey and Company said...

April, you are such a cutie! I love your blog and look forward to reading your thoughts on mommyhood and seeing pictures of Adler more often.

Karen Lambert said...

I love your blog. It will be my favorite place to check everyday. Even though I get to love on our little cutie, it is such fun to see his picture on my computer too. That's why he visits my blog too. LOL. Welcome to the world of blogging.