I was almost two dogs lunch on Monday.
Here is how it went down.
1. 7:03am .... dark, arrive at school, hands full, talking on the phone to my prince, oblivious.
2.Almost at the doors when I hear " bark, bark, growl, growl".
I'm thinking like "I'm so sure there is a dog out here." I turn around and there is not one but TWO.....TWO.... mid size, mangy (spelling) muddy, no collars (Benji and the sidekick).
Panicking, but still functioning, I reached for one of the doors.... thank God it was open. Usually they are not at this hour. The dogs slowed down and continued to run to the back of the school.
3. At this point I know that I need to call animal control...the buses full of kids are about to arrive and that will not be a good combo. I call. They are on on their way.
4. Get to my classroom and realize that I don't have my classroom key, that it is in my car. I pondered two things: I could wait 25 minutes or so for another soul to arrive or take my chances and run to my car.
5. Took my chances and ran, no dogs.... this time.
By this point there are a few students in the building and one of which is my student. I asked her if she saw the pups and she didn't. I then asked her, like I always do if she wanted to help me set up the room for a painting day. We got to my room I checked my email, sorted through a few things. I grabbed by swipe card and said that I would be back. I have the last room at the end of the hall and at the end you find a set of glass doors. You also cannot enter the building if you don't have a swipe card. I told Sydney that I was going to see if the dogs had ran to the back or if they were gone for good.
6. Went to the doors, looked out without opening. No dogs. SO I opened the door, but held it open with my foot. Peeped a little further. FOOT SLIPPED. P A N I C. Now you all know that I like dogs, but when they growl, its over. no second chances. I didn't see them bu I heard them. I immediately took out my swipe card and Swiped. Swipe ONE, no luck, Faster Swipe TWO, and swipe, swipe, swipe, P A N I C. There is not a soul who could help me but Sydney. BANG BANG BANG on the door, Screaming between the cracks of the two doors " SYDNEY ! " SYDNEY....bang bang bang! OK PANIC....NO Sydney......At the top of my LUNGS....Sydney.
You see at this point I am scared to walk around the building, I hear the dogs getting closer. I realize now that I didn't get Sydney's attention, but the DOGS! I'm telling you they wanted a "Lambert Sandwich". They come darting towards me barking and growling. I could poke their eyes out and loose a finger, or slice them with my swipe card, or pick up the HEAVY BLACK mat at the door for protection. I could shew (spelling) them away. Nope, not such a good idea, now they are really curios.
P A N I C --- how much longer am I going to have to protect myself and when the heck is someone going to rescue me, like animal control, stray bullets, earthquake....something LORD! At this point my white skirt is ruined, and so is my make-up. I am screaming crying. Scared to death. I begin to pray "please Lord, send someone". Right then, my friend and her husband who always drops her off pulls up the back and from a distance I look like I am shaking off a poster board or that little guy that flags the bulls. They wave....yes, wave, " Are you kidding me they think that I'm saying "HI".....my arms go up in the air and now they are seeing the dogs and the panic on my face. He (the husband) yells at me to back up slowly to the car. MADE IT! Still barking as we drive off.........
No way, this just happened.
He took us to the front of the school and dropped us off. I walked to my room. I'm now thinking that my Hallway teacher friends are also about to become lunch so run to the doors and already a teacher is there...she is swiping her card and I see her try it again, I run and open and say "Quick, quick, the dogs!" She comes in and said " I saw them, but they didn't bother me...... did they bother you?"
YES! They bothered me!
I'm not making this up people! Benji and his sidekick wanted me! Just me, not the others, just me!
Animal control tried to round them up with no luck, but at least they ran away...